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 Founder Mr Mitch Freistat has been a Bible Teacher, Preacher, Worship Leader and  has 40 years of experience in the Martial Arts.

* Godan - 5th degree Black Belt in:

*Seigido Ryu (Kyoshi Frank J Deangelo,

* 3rd Degree Black Belt  - Kar-do-jitsu- Ryu (Shidoshi John Manniel III)

* Black Belt in:

Tae-Kwon-Do (Grandmaster Jung Soo Park, Parks Federation)

* One of the first Martial Arts Instructors to be certified by the ACMA, (American Council On Martial  Arts). The test was conducted and endorsed by the world-renowned Cooper Institute of Fitness.

* Married 28 years and has 5 children 2 Grand children