Back Love Bible Study Freedom Foundation Prayer Foundation Cover Foundation Shield of Faith Avoid Evil Avoid Strife Don't set foot Perseverance Self-Control Foundation Rock Foundation On Guard Foundation Flee Repent Belt of Truth Breastplate of Right Helmet of Salvation Hallelujah





GENESIS 32:24-26; JOB 17:9; PSALMS 37:23-28,73:24, 138:8; PROVERBS 4:18; JEREMIAH 32:40; HOSEA 12:6; MATTHEW 24:12-13; MARK 4:3-7, 13:13;        LUKE 22:31-32; JOHN 8:31-32; 15:4-9; ACTS 13:43, 14:21-22; ROMANS 2:6-7, 5:3-4, 8:30-39; 1CORINTHIANS 15:1-2,58;16:13; 2CORINTHIANS 5:9,15; 12:12; GALATIANS 5:1,10; 6:9; EPHESIANS 4:14,6:13-18; PHILIPPIANS 1:4-6,27; 3:16,4:1; COLOSSIANS 1:10,22-23; 1THESSALONIANS 3:8-14,5:21;                                2THESSALONIANS 1:4,2:15-17,3:5; 2TIMOTHY 1:12-13, 2:1-13, 3:14, 4:18;     TITUS 1:9; HEBREWS 2:1,3:5-14,4:14,6:1-18, 12:1-13; JAMES 1:3-4,12,25; 5:10-11; 1PETER 1:1-7, 5:8; 2PETER 1:6-7; REVELATION 2:2-28,3:5-21, 14:12, 16:15,21:7-8,22:11


SO you thought the Christian life was going to be easy? Well, it is so far as salvation is concerned. However, this life with all of its trials and temptations can wear you down if you try to live it in your own strength. Be encouraged! Perseverance through the trials will produce growth in the Lord. Be mindful of those who have persevered in the past; this w_1I help you to "keep on keeping on". Remember the inheritance God has for you in heaven. As the enemy attacks, let the joy of the Lord be your strength. You are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!


Who is to Persevere?

What can you do to help you Persevere through trials and temptations?

Where in the Bible is the most encouraging example to you of Perseverance?

Why do you think God makes us learn Perseverance?

When is Persevering hardest for you?

How can you get better at Persevering through hard times?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?