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                                       NECK THROW, SHOULDER THROW, HIP THROW

                        (THE ABYSS) (LAKE OF BURNING SULFUR) (LAKE OF FIRE)


MATTHEW 8:5-13; 13:47-50;21:33-41; 22:1-14;           JOHN 9:24-39, 15:1-8; HEBREWS 12:1;           REVELATION 20:1-15; PSALM 55:22; 1PETER 5:7


We, the children of God, know the outcome of the battle that we are engaged in. The enemy deceives himself and others, by his pride, that the ending will be different. Remembering that his end is sure will give you comfort and courage to fight the good fight of the faith and not to become weary. You have been set free from the enemy to throw off anything that might hinder your walk with Christ!  Those who do not believe will be thrown out from the presence of God, which is not God's desire for them. He loves them and wants them to be with Him. Heeding these warnings  should give us a sense of compassion and urgency to share our faith with others. Keep them in mind as you go out among the world. Be available to be used to snatch someone from the fire.    


Whom, in the end, will be thrown out from God's presence?

What in your life should be thrown out?

To where will the enemies of God be thrown out?

Why will the unbeliever be thrown out?

When can you throw out the things in your life that are holding you back from a better relationship from God?

How do you know that the enemy will be thrown into the Lake of Fire?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?