12:21-27; LUKE 22:14-15; 1CORINTHIANS 5:6-9APPLICATION
Be on guard; the enemy will use so-called believers to attack your shield of faith. They will say that, yes, Jesus died on the cross, He was a Son of God, a powerful prophet and a wise teacher; but they don't believe that He is the only way to God the Father. The shedding of His blood was not a necessary payment for our sins. What can wash away your sins? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS! Passover, lived out in the lives of the Israelites, perfectly illustrated the sacrifice of the coming Messiah so that we would recognize Him when He came. Remember that the angel of eternal death will pass over you at the time of judgment because you are covered with the righteous blood of Jesus, our sacrificial Lamb.
Who is your Passover Lamb?
What was going to happen to Jesus after He ate Passover dinner with the disciples?
Where on the doorpost of the house was the Iamb's blood to be placed on the night of Passover?
Why do you still want to remember Passover?
When was the first time someone called Jesus the Lamb of God?
How can your sins be washed away?
How does this apply to your life?
What is your prayer?
What is your memory verse?