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GENESIS 21:10; EXODUS 34:24; DEUTERONOMY 6:18-19; PSALM 78:55; PROVERBS 22:10; MATTHEW 5:13, 7:5,22-23; 8:12,16; 9:32-33; 10:8,21:12; MARK 1:33-34,39; 3:14-15,6:12-13, 16:16-19; JOHN 6:37-40, 12:31; GALATIANS 4:30-31; REVELATION 12:9


Sometimes it appears to be so difficult to cast out the things in our lives that hold us back from a closer relationship with Jesus. We struggle and strive in our own power to break the chains of bondage that pin us down. It is like being in a jail cell with the door closed and locked; we push and push, but only wear ourselves out. Jesus is the key to that jail cell and has already opened the door and set us free. Instead of struggling, we need only walk through the door! Our Lord has cast out all of our enemies before us. In His name and power all opposition in the heavenly realms must flee. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, cast out from your life all thoughts and actions that do not glorify our God, and keep a guard on them. Do not let the enemy back in!


Who does the Casting Out of your enemies?

What do you need to Cast Out of your life?

Where does the authority come from to Cast Out those things?

Why do you need to Cast Out the thoughts that do not glorify God?

When should you Cast Out a thought of temptation?

How can you Cast Out evil desires from your mind?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?