EXODUS 33: 19; 2 SAMUEL 2:26; JOB 11:6; PSALMS 18:25, 37:25-26, 85: 10, 103: 13, 17; PROVERBS 3:3-4, 11:17, 12:10, 14:21-22,31; 20:28,21:21; ISAIAHr30:18, 48:9, 60:10; HOSEA 2:23,4:1, 12:6; MICAH 6:8; MATTHEW 23:23; LUKE 6:36; ROMANS 12:6-8; COLOSSIANS 3: 12-13; JAMES 2: 13
In the presence of the power, majesty, and holiness of God, our transgressions and the seriousness of them become clearer. In His light, we begin to understand the great mercy which God continually shows us. God does not give to us, His children, the punishment we deserve; nor does He give us every fleshly thing we pray for. Instead, He is merciful towards us. We, in turn, are commanded, encouraged, and compelled to show mercy to others. We are to be quick to forgive and love those who have done some kind of evil to us. The enemy will tell you that those who have hurt you should not be shown mercy; he will encourage you to take revenge, to be unforgiving, and unloving. Remember at such times that no one deserves mercy. God calls us to give mercy as He has given it to us, freely to the undeserving.
Whom has been shown great Mercy by God?
What is Mercy?
Where can you start to show Mercy to others?
Why must you show Mercy to others?
When have you seen God's Mercy towards you?
How can you show Mercy to others?
How does this apply to your life?
What is your prayer?
What is your memory verse?